Made by an economist means letting go of calculating thinking. Calculating thinking as Heidegger describes in "The Question Concerning Technology" is a limitation of the traditional economic discipline.

A lot of people at the RASL minor regard economics as capitalism. I don't agree on this,as Economics focuses on many things e.g. an important part is making choices in a society with scarcity.

Impact Evaluation in Economics prevents biases made in research. Economic is also health economics. How can we design health care systems that benefit the people? Behavioural economics can be used to do research about study behaviour.

Exploring and reading everything concerning utopia.
Philosophy is the Queen Mother of science. The problem with science today is that the sciences are too separate from each other. People from different disciplines have trouble understanding each other e.g. The Covid measures. Everybody disagrees and has a different opinion. Another problem is that every science has its language.
It is the task of the philosopher and the Rasl Minor to bring the disciplines together. This is the potential of philosophy.

By creating the archive on a flat screen, I tried to emphasize the flatness while looking for depth. Flatland was a reference to the limits of my discipline because to achieve a new sphere you have to think differently.

Wat betreft filosofie heb ik mezelf wel in het project gevonden. Teksten die ik heb gelezen (zie concept Utopia pagina) waren door filosofen geschreven. Zoals ik hierboven al benoem is filosofie de discipline die andere disciplines bij elkaar brengt, daar ligt de kracht. Een limiet met filosofie is naar mijn mening dat er niet één waarheid bestaat. Hoe verder je door redeneert of filosofeert hoe meer onzekerheid gecreëerd wordt, gezien veel filosofen een andere kijk hebben op realiteit of de maatschappij.